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Monday, February 2, 2009

Who is and is Not a Good Candidate?

Practically everyone has those stubborn spots where the fat just won't go away. You eat right, you exercise and you think you're in pretty good shape except for that pooch in your tummy or you have that condition lovingly referred to as back fat.

Liposuction may be the only way to remove those aggravating fat cells. But, not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure. Here are some questions to ask to tell you if it will work for you:

1. Are you close to or at your ideal weight?
Liposuction is not a method of weight loss. It is not to take the place of diet, exercise or bariatric procedures. It is for getting rid of the last bit of stubborn fat that just won't go away through the other methods. As long as you are within at least 20 pounds of your ideal weight, you are a good candidate for liposuction.

2. How is your overall health?
Liposuction is surgery so you must be in good physical health. Tell your surgeon all medications you are taking and what your medical history is. Getting a check-up prior to the procedure is a great idea. Certain medications and health conditions increase your chances of bleeding, cardiac problems and embolisms. The healing process is also compromised if you are not in good health.

3. Do you have unhealthy habits?
Smoking and drinking are bad for your skin as well as your body. This compromises the elasticity and health of the skin. It is important to drink a lot of water and adopt healthier habits. Diet and exercise are also important to maintaining the results from your procedure. Remember, the fat can always come back.

4. What are your expectations for the procedure?
Again, this procedure is not a weight loss so you have to have realistic expectations. Understand that liposuction is used to spot remove fat cells, not huge amounts of fat. Also, while the fat cells are permanently removed, new ones can always come back in the same place or somewhere new.

If you think you are ready for liposuction to help contour and put the finishing touches on your body, you need to find the right surgeon for the job. Make sure he is board certified and experienced in performing the procedure.

Complications are always a possibility so experience is necessary. During your consultation, be clear about what you hope to achieve. But, listen to your surgeon because he knows if your expectations are realistic or not.

Liposuction gives you a more streamlined look and smoothes out the pooches and pockets. You won't have a dramatic drop in clothing sizes. You have to lose the weight through diet, exercise or bariatric procedures first.

By: By A Aaronson

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